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 Parents SOS

Create a beautiful future
by helping children today.

Have you ever been to Antarctica? I also!
But there were in my lifeevents, which in terms of emotional strength surpass the trip to Antarctica.
I was born in 1975 in the Soviet Union. When Iwas a teenager, started revolution and Ukraine gained independence. After that came a period of disorder and crime on the streets. Crisis the end of the 90s; Revolution 2004; World crisis 2008; coming to power Yanukovych and; Revolution 2013 year; War  - Russia's attack on Ukraine in 2014; COVID-19 pandemic; The war is a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
I know how hard be a teenager. Not only do I know what it's like to be a teenager, but I am raised a son, who is now 27, and I have daughter a teenager. And I know how much tragically everything that is happening in Ukraine now. We are faced with by fearpainloss of loved onesdestruction.
But I can't imagine what teenagers feel who survived the horrors of war. I can't imagine it! And it's scary that people who have never experienced anything like this can't understand even a fraction of it.
Try to imagine like this live in the basement months, eat random food, to see destroyed house, in which you lived... and at the same time... yours mother is dead...
And you are a teenager. You see everything that happens around you, but yours the nervous system does not so formed, to with stand such a shock.
We at Parents SOS are trying give here by to children a chance to build your own future.
We collect funds for psychological rehabilitation of children of school age who survived occupation, destruction, loss of loved ones and pain.
We raise funds to give teenagers a chance get an education, a profession that will help them build their lives.
We must continue to fight for the future of children. Because this is the future of children  the future of the whole world.

Natalia Kravets

Head of the Board, mother, Ukrainian

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Nataliia Kravets



Nataliia Kravets




Кравець Наталія Леонтіївна



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